Friday, August 24, 2012


當我還年輕時(雖然現在還不算年老)身體裡面也流著重型搖滾的血,當時家境清貧沒多少零用錢,有閒錢都會用來買票到高山看演出,到旺角租唱片(對,我的年代還有出租唱片的店,而我是大客戶!),置裝一環只能夠退到很其次的位置。但你要去聽重型搖滾總不能穿一件snoopy tee吧!於是我的永恆戰衣就是一件黑色的牛仔褸(當然沒可能買皮褸喇),然後買了幾個布章,記憶中一個是pink floyd一個是ac/dc好像還有一個是iron maiden,就這樣就一副搖滾萬歲的模樣就去。那時,我們還有地下音樂會,我們還有dark entry,我們有音樂一週,我們有年青人週報。那是一個滿有趣味的年代。




Blogger Selfless said...

Okay, so I started playing with this game a few days back because I was being told by a couple of people it had been. Not gonna lie - This match, Maple M mesos for sale in its current condition, is BORING.Why? The dilemma is that this game feels like Adventure Quest and is a single-player game. Sure, it's a match with a planet, however it is prevented by its 2D images from from having the atmosphere such as the Elder Scrolls games.

The solution is straightforward. Make this match multiplayer. I believe a good deal of folks here would agree with me that this game could be a whole lot more enjoyable if we could share the experience with many people.I do not know if the guys over at Nexon understand about this game called World of Warcraft, but it is a sport where plenty of individuals exist in one world rather than everyone residing in their own world. Playing by yourself makes this game dull like this game, but partying and going on raids is what makes the game enjoyable. It's the community which makes the game really wonderful. If multiplayer was added by Nexon to the game this sport can have that same experience.

I have an archer at par 140. Would not it be cool if there were some people training ? Rather, I'm grinding of maplestory 2 mesos. Just seeing other people passing by or training at the exact same place as me would make me feel so much better, even if it is not a party.

1/24/2019 03:57:00 pm  

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